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Hot keywords: Aluminum alloy lean pipe Lean pipe and fittings Industrial 3.0cell line Workbench

American owned production of silicone and plastic factory to improve the case in

American owned production of silicone and plastic factory to improve the case in

一家美商独资生产硅胶和塑料按键产品的企业,产品广泛应用于手机、家用电器、工业电子设备等产品上。近年来公司凭借稳定的产品质量和雄厚的研发实力,在国内 市场的竞争中业务量迅速增长,成为国内几家主要手机制造商的首选供应商,并有相当一部分产品出口到国外,销售业绩持续上升。 ...
A large equipment manufacturing group lean operation one-stop solution case

A large equipment manufacturing group lean operation one-stop solution case

Lean operation improvement case of a printed circuit board company

Lean operation improvement case of a printed circuit board company

A case study of an intelligent lean production line in a metal product company

A case study of an intelligent lean production line in a metal product company

某金属制品有限公司是一家位于中山市的外资企业,现有员工1000多 人,各类技术设备充足,能依据客户要求开发设计制造多种金属产品﹐主要产品有超市货架系列﹑运动器材系列﹑炸篮炸网﹑网架类家具与厨房用品﹑各类电器配套 金属网架等(主要是铁线类﹑铁管类﹑板材类与板管线类结合等产品以及不锈钢产品﹐工艺以冲压﹑各类焊接与各类表面处理为主)。...


One stop solution

One stop solution

Is management upgrading and enterprise transformation imminent, is it to give up or continue to invest? Or a comeback? How to get rid of the status quo and how to break through quickly? Why can't corporate strategies fall to the ground? The enterprise ope



China's manufacturing enterprises face increasingly fierce competition at home and abroad, rising production costs and lower and lower profit margins, the user of the product demand is higher and higher, how to rapidly improve the enterprise's core compet

Lean production line

Lean production line

Existing problems Production incoordination, resulting in a lot of labor, not high yield; The production equipment management system is not all, causing the employee to use (keeping) improper. The arrangement of production lines is unreasonable, result

Intelligent logistics

Intelligent logistics

Existing problems (the current predicament of manufacturing) More and more orders, more and more? Factory production site chaos, the semi-finished products piled up? Low productivity, no passion for staff?

Lean talent

Lean talent

1. Existing problems How to build a lean culture of participation and continuous improvement? How do you shape the spirit of the employees, the awareness of the team, the atmosphere of mutual respect, and the ability to educate people? How can we build
